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Aerospace & Defense
Aerospace & Defense

The global aerospace and defense industry is likely to experience stronger growth in 2017. After several years of growth, but at a slow pace, early forecasts predict the aerospace and defense sector revenues will grow by approximately two percent in 2017.  The global aerospace and defense sector revenue rebound is attributed to a number of factors in both the commercial aerospace sub-sector and the defense sub-sector.

The professionals at Baroldi Wood Mance have experience with numerous aerospace and defense companies across the country, from start-ups to well-established corporations looking to expand their operations. Our Aerospace and Defense team brings innovative thinking and executable strategies to the complex challenges you face and are ready to assist on a multitude of matters from tax compliance and assurance to some of the specialized issues affecting the aerospace and defense industry, such as long-term contracts, international transactions, merger and acquisition transactions, exit strategies and entity structures.

  • Cost Segregation
  • Tangible Property Repair Regulation Studies
  • Accounting Method Reviews
  • Applying Deductions and Tax Credits such as Research & Development
  • Multi-State Taxation and Operating Structuring
  • Tax Planning and Compliance
  • LIFO Inventories
  • General Bookkeeping Services
  • Operating Budgets – Preparation, Analysis and Tracking
  • Cost Controls, Budgeting and Cash Flow Analysis
  • Inventory Control Systems
  • Gross Profit Maximization and Analyzing Pricing Structures
  • Profit Enhancement Analysis (determining actual profits by product)
  • Merger and Acquisition Strategies
  • Buy-Sell Agreement Reviews
  • Succession Planning and Exit Strategy Development
  • Assistance in Locating and Obtaining Bank Financing
  • Buy-Lease Considerations
  • Business Valuation and Litigation Support
  • Due Diligence Research and Review
  • Compensation, Benefits and Incentive Planning
  • Evaluation and Implementation of Internal Control Systems
  • Strategic Planning and Business Process Solutions
  • Cost Management and Productivity Analysis
Research and Development Tax Credit Studies

Many business owners believe that the R&D Tax Credit only applies to developers of new products. However, many other companies may benefit if they have invested time, money and resources toward:

  • Developing New Products
  • Improving Existing Products
  • Building or Testing Prototypes and Models
  • Developing or Improving Manufacturing Processes.
  • Developing New Materials

If any of these apply to your company, you may qualify for the R&D Tax Credit.  The professionals at Baroldi Wood Mance can assist you in performing an analysis to determine if your business can take advantage of this credit.

Cost Segregation Studies

Through a cost segregation study, the components of a building are reclassified into shorter depreciation groups to accelerate depreciation expense.  As a result, companies maximize their tax depreciation deduction, and reduce current-year income taxes. Your business may qualify if it has purchased, constructed, renovated, expanded or refurbished a commercial building within the last five years.  Costs that may qualify for a shorter depreciable life include wall partitions, carpet and painting, parking lots, security systems, HVAC systems, landscaping and other items.  If may apply to your business, a cost segregation study could save you tax dollars.  We are ready to help you consider the benefits of such a study.

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