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Estate & Trust
Estate & Trust

We all work hard for our money.  The professionals at Baroldi Wood Mance help protect it and make sure it is passed on to your designated beneficiaries in the manner and amounts you chose rather than letting the expensive probate courts decide for you.

Safeguarding and accumulating wealth for you and your family’s long-term financial security is an easier task with the help of our professionals. We have the understanding and technical services to handle the complex issues surrounding the creation and preservation of wealth and the orderly transfer of assets to your beneficiaries.

All of our wealth transition strategies are designed to maximize the amount of wealth you pass to your dependents and/or charities and minimize the amount paid to the IRS and the probate courts. Most CPA firms do not have the expertise to properly perform wealth, estate and trust planning.  At Baroldi Wood Mance, we are uniquely qualified to assist with estate and trust planning, facilitate the transfer of assets to your beneficiaries, provide security for your surviving spouse, and reduce the tax burden associated with the transfer of your business to successors.  Our goal is to educate our clients as it pertains to wealth, estate, and trust issues throughout the process.


  • Strategies to maximize the transfer of your estate and wealth from generation to generation (i.e. reduce the taxable value)
  • Implementation of various tools, such as lifetime gifting programs, living trusts, family limited partnerships, qualified personal residence trusts, and charitable remainder trusts
  • Business succession planning and/or exit strategies
  • Charitable planning
  • Life insurance plan design and the utilization of irrevocable life insurance trusts (ILIT)
  • Review of estate planning documents
  • Executor/trustee assistance
  • Post-mortem planning, including funding of sub-trusts
  • Set up and formation of estate, gift, fiduciary and private foundation structures
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